It’s important to note that at this time no fault is identified with the festival organizers. Matador Music Festival is a production of Disco Donnie Presents and Collective Effort Events. In other words don’t get caught int he jaws of the beast unless you can’t help it. All we can do is continue to represent ourselves properly as a whole and respect the bounds of necessary limitations.

His mentioning that police claimed he was ‘inciting a riot’ is merely a reflection of the stigma behind electronic dance music and the culture which surrounds it.It’s unfortunate, but a truth we must all be aware of nonetheless. The problem here seems to be with the way it was addressed by Santa Barbara law enforcement. Unfortunately, shows getting shut down is a reality that comes with the territory. What People hate are the power tripping, manipulative, overbearing, mafia like thug, pig ass Cops out there that make them all look bad.

Just look at the reaction the Boston populace has exhibited towards their officers during these last few weeks. People tend love an officer of the law who upholds and defends the Constitution, our rights as individuals, against all enemies foreign and domestic. The fact of the matter is that People don’t hate the Police. Factors that are very difficult to change once they have embedded themselves in normalcy. There are several social, economic and pharmaceutical factors that feed the beast, but in the end the system is a reflection of human physiology, prejudice, and fear. The United states judicial system which represents only 4% of the worlds population has in its jail system over 25% of the worlds prisoners. Keep that in mind the next time you have a ruin with an Officer of the Law. Ones own perception of power over people and tither circumstances only reveals who you are, it doesn’t make you a better person if your already a horrible one. But if you put an ass clown in a uniform and tell him he has authority over people, the only thing that will happen is that they becomes a bigger ass clown. In theory a uniforms don’t give anyone the right to be rude to you, belittle you, or be disingenuous to you while simultaneously stepping all over your rights. There have been countless case studies on police brutality, and the abuse of authority that a minority of the fellowship of the shield can exhibit in the day to day reality of the policing. Porter took to Twitter immediately, addressing the public regarding the night’s occurrences: The set, originally scheduled for 9:30-11:30 pm PST, and of all times, they decided to shut down power right in the middle of ‘Language’ which is quite frankly my favorite festival song of the entire 2012 season. Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA – Porter Robinson’s headlining performance at the Matador Music Festival at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, was cut short by 35 minutes on Saturday April 27th 2013 – as the event’s highly touted headliner and most anticipated performance. Disappointed, Porter immediately took the opportunity to graciously apologize to fans for circumstances beyond his control.Īccording to Porter, after informing the crowd that the gig was being shut down over the microphone, police angrily threatened to arrest him and seize his equipment as ‘evidence’, accusing him of attempting to incite a riot. Porter described the sheriff as a “vindictive tyrant is embarrassed about the truth. Woop-Woop! That’s the Sound of the Police! PORTER ROBINSON – MUSIC FESTIVAL SET CUT SHORT